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Results 196 resources
Lesson: Identifying shapes by the number of vertices and sides
Lesson: Kilograms
Lesson: Knowing the number of hours in one day
Lesson: Make 10
Lesson: Practise counting in twos
Lesson: Reading the temperature in Degrees Celsius
Lesson: Recognising the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number
Lesson: Relating halves and quarters to division
Lesson: Representing and interpreting data using a pictogram
Lesson 1: Representing information as a bar model (Part 1)n.d. - Teacher Hub | Oak National Academy
Lesson: Representing information as a bar model (Part 1)
Lesson: Revisiting the value of coins: Comparing value
Lesson: Solving addition equations
Lesson: To recall the 3x table using skip counting
Lesson: Unequal and equal groups
Lesson: Using standard and non-standard units when measuring
Lesson: Using the multiplication symbol
Lesson: Applying knowledge of bar models to answer word problems
Lesson: Calculating duration of time in hours and minutes
Lesson: Consolidating and applying: Multiples of 2 and the relationship between the 2 and 4 times table
Lesson: Consolidating and reviewing learning on capacity and volume
Oak Academy (UK, not CC)
Grade 02 (KS1) - Maths
- Unit 19: Numbers within 100 (15)
- Unit 20: Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers (10)
- Unit 21: Addition and subtraction word problems (10)
- Unit 22: Length (14)
- Unit 23: Graphs (5)
- Unit 24: Multiplication and division: 2, 5 and 10 (15)
- Unit 25: Time (10)
- Unit 26: Fractions (10)
- Unit 27: Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers (regrouping and adjusting) (15)
- Unit 28: Money (10)
- Unit 29: Faces, shapes and patterns; lines and turns (15)
- Unit 30: Numbers within 1000 (5)
- Unit 31: Measures: Capacity and volume (10)
- Unit 32: Measures: Mass (5)
- Unit 33: Exploring calculation strategies (10)
- Unit 34: Multiplication and division: 3 and 4 (15)
- Unit 35: Multiplication: equal and unequal groups (13)
- Unit 36: The two times table (13)
Grade 02 (KS1) - Maths
Education Level
- United Kingdom (UK) (196)
Publication year
- Unknown (196)