educational policy choice and policy practice in Malawi.pdf

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educational policy choice and policy practice in Malawi.pdf
Following democratic elections in 1994, the Government of Malawi embarked on an ambitious programme of free primary education (FPE). This was partly a response of the newly elected government to die popular demand for education, as well as recognition of the important role that primary education can play in alleviating poverty in die long term. As a result, access to education increased dramatically. However, free primary education was enacted before a comprehensive policy framework had been developed which examined die resource and other implications of FPE. Furdiermore, the policy framework that was subsequently developed did not include key stakeholders in formulation and was, to a large extent, donor-driven. As a result, questions arise about the extent to which the education policy is responding to citizen's needs. The paper argues that the policy did not sufficiently consider the ways in which direct and indirect costs of schooling continue to be prohibitive for the poorest groups. In addition, die expansion of primary education has been at die expense of quality. The relevance of the type of education currently received by children who are unable to continue beyond the primary level is also questioned. Finally, the potential conflict between schooling and the agricultural calendar is also found to constrain the participation of children in school. Thus, the paper suggests that the policy developed for FPE may not necessarily contribute to the achievement of poverty alleviation goals. It is argued, however, that many of the dilemmas and disjunctures between policy intention and policy practice that are identified could be overcome through a more inclusive and participator)' educational policy process
17/08/2022, 15:32
Kadzamira, E., & Rose, P. (2001). educational policy choice and policy practice in Malawi.pdf.