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Results 183 resources
Lesson: Using the 'make ten' strategy
Lesson: Comparing numbers
Lesson: Count on from a multiple of 10 and identify the number of tens in a multiple of 10
Lesson: Embedding Understanding of Equivalent Expressions
Lesson: Halves and Quarters
Lesson: Introducing place value
Lesson 4: Reading and writing the time to o’clock (Part 1)n.d. - Teacher Hub | Oak National Academy
Lesson: Reading and writing the time to o'clock (Part 1)
Lesson: To add two-digit numbers and ones with regrouping
Lesson: To apply knowledge of number bonds
Lesson: To begin to understand standard units of length
Lesson: To find one quarter of a quantity
Lesson: To recognise the value of different coins and notes
Lesson: To solve problems using repeated patterns
Lesson: Understanding that the = symbol represents equivalence
Lesson: Applying 'make ten' to differences (Part 1)
Lesson: Build the concept of units of 5. Count in fives and count on from a multiple of 5
Lesson: Choosing calculation strategies to solve calculations
Lesson 5: Reading and writing the time to o’clock (Part 2)n.d. - Teacher Hub | Oak National Academy
Lesson: Reading and writing the time to o'clock (Part 2)
Lesson: Standard units of measure
Lesson: Ten can be partitioned into pairs of numbers that sum to ten
Oak Academy (UK, not CC)
Grade 01 (KS1) - Maths
- Unit 1: Numbers to 10 (11)
- Unit 10: Fractions (5)
- Unit 11: Measures (1): Length and mass (10)
- Unit 12: Numbers 50 to 100 and beyond (10)
- Unit 13: Addition and subtraction (applying strategies) (10)
- Unit 14: Money (10)
- Unit 15: Multiplication and division (10)
- Unit 16. Measures (2): Capacity and volume (10)
- Unit 17: Addition and Subtraction (15)
- Unit 18: Multiplication and money (17)
- Unit 2: Addition and subtraction within 10 (10)
- Unit 3: Shape and patterns (10)
- Unit 4: Numbers to 20 (10)
- Unit 5: Addition and subtraction within 20 (10)
- Unit 6: Time (10)
- Unit 7: Exploring calculation strategies within 20 (5)
- Unit 8: Numbers to 50 (10)
- Unit 9: Addition and subtraction within 20 (comparison) (10)
Grade 01 (KS1) - Maths
Education Level
- 1. Primary (1-8) (183)
- United Kingdom (UK) (183)
Publication year
- Unknown (183)